Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Read Aloud Revival Podcast!

I had a totally fun and awesomely inspiring time with Sarah Mackenzie of Read Aloud Revival doing a podcast about Chesterton and kids and reading aloud--all my favorite subjects!

You can hear the podcast by clicking here. Let me know what you think!

Read-Aloud Revival with Sarah Mackenzie

Monday, April 3, 2017

Frances Chesterton photograph

During a search of British Newspapers, Dale Ahlquist came across this and sent it to me. I discovered while working on the biography of Frances Chesterton that she had been asked to help found a club called The Lyceum for women who were writers or authors and who had attended college. Here is the picture that goes with that story! Frances has the fur collar (a frequent item in her dress) and is standing behind, second from the left, dark hat. The year is 1904. It was founded by Constance Smedley, sitting in front of Frances. (Click on the photo to enlarge and see it better.)

Monday, January 23, 2017

Milwaukee Chesterton Academy Gala

I was honored and privileged to be able to speak at the gala for the Milwaukee Chesterton Society last weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Frances Chesterton Talk

In this talk, I concentrate on Frances Chesterton's literary ancestry, and how it helped propel G.K. Chesterton into stardom. We also discuss Frances' sister-in-law Ada Jones, as well as a number of famous literary figures of the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.